dsolve in Maple
> | restart;
ff:=(x,y)->-y; ode:=diff(y(x),x)=ff(x,y(x)); |
> | d1:=dsolve({ode,y(0)=1},y(x)); |
> | f1:=unapply(rhs(d1),x); |
> | with(plots):with(linalg):
p0:=plot(f1(x),x=0..2): display(p0); |
Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined
Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected
> | d2:=dsolve({ode,y(0)=1},type=numeric,range=0..2);
p1:=odeplot(d2,color=black): display(p1,p0); |
Euler method
> | a:=x0;
subs(x-a=h,series(f(x),x=a,2)); convert(%,polynom); |
> | x0:=0;
N:=10; h:=2/N; xx:=array(0..N,sparse); for i from 0 to N do xx[i]:=i*h; end do: convert(xx,list); |
> | yy:=array(0..N,sparse);yy[0]:=1;
for i from 0 to N-1 do yy[i+1]:=yy[i]+ff(xx[i],yy[i])*h; end do: |
> | v1:=transpose([convert(xx,list),convert(yy,list)]):
p2:=pointplot(v1): display(p0,p2); |
Predictor-Corrector method
Implicit Euler method
> | #x0:=0;
#N:=10; #h:=2/N; xx:=array(0..N,sparse); for i from 0 to N do xx[i]:=i*h; end do: convert(xx,list); |
> | yy:=array(0..N,sparse);yy[0]:=1;
for i from 0 to N-1 do k1:=h*ff(xx[i],yy[i]); k2:=h*ff(xx[i]+h/2,yy[i]+k1/2); k3:=h*ff(xx[i]+h/2,yy[i]+k2/2); k4:=h*ff(xx[i]+h,yy[i]+k3); yy[i+1]:=yy[i]+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6; end do: |
> | v1:=transpose([convert(xx,list),convert(yy,list)]):
p3:=pointplot(v1): display(p0,p2,p3); |
> |
> | restart;
func:=(y,x)->y-y^2; |
> | ode:=diff(y(x),x)=func(y(x),x);
ds:=dsolve({ode,y(0)=0.1},type=numeric,range=0..80); with(plots): odeplot(ds); |
Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined
> | g0:=0.1;h:=2.4;N:=80/h;x:=0;
g1:=g0+func(g0,x)*h; x:=x+h; total:=[[0,g0],[x,g1]]; for k from 2 to N do g2:=g1+func(g1,x)*h; x:=x+h; total:=[op(total),[x,g2]]; g1:=g2; end do: |
> | plot(total); |
> | z:=y->h/(1+h)*y;
g1:=g0+func(g0,x)*h: x:=x+h: logistic:=[[z(0.1),0],[z(0.1),z(g1)]]: for k from 2 to N do g2:=g1+func(g1,x)*h; x:=x+h; logistic:=[op(logistic),[z(g1),z(g1)],[z(g1),z(g2)]]; g1:=g2; end do: |
> | plot([logistic,z,(1+h)*z*(1-z)],z=0..1); |
> |