トップ カリキュラム・授業 科学技術英語B

授業科目名 科学技術英語B
  履修期   2単位   履修基準年度 3年
授業目的 / Course Objectives
to develop further skills in reading, writing and presentation, using authentic materials. The topic in this semester is ‘Global Warming’ . We will learn about its cause and effect by using video clips, news and reading materials on the Internet, from newspapers and other references.
到達目標 / Attainment Objectives
At the end of the semester, students will acquire the following skills.
1. Research skills - how to get relevant information on the Internet.
2. Scanning technique - how to scan to get sufficient information.
3. Writing skills - how to organise the essay and to improve written English.
授業時間外の学習 (準備学習等について) / Study Required Outside of Class (Preparation etc.)
Preparation is essential. Students will receive the Course Outline at the beginning of the Course, and are expected to follow all the schedule in it.
授業計画 / Class Overall Plan
The topic is global warming. Students will learn causes and effects of global warming, and how the world is working on the issues. Then, students will think about what solutions as science students can be offered.
The following items are covered. Each item will last for a few weeks.

1. Causes
2. Effects
3. Solutions (activities in daily life, scientific solutions)

On the first day of the semester, the weekly schedule as well as the details of the assessment will be provided as the Course Outline.
教科書 / Textbook(s)
All the reading materials are offered by the lecturer through the Internet, or by providing copies of newspaper clips.
参考文献 References Books
Information relevent to students' research is provided on the M-Drive.
授業方法 / Method of Instruction
Classes are conducted in English. Students are highly recommended to speak in English in class. The Course expects group research, discussion and presentation.
学生による授業評価の方法 / Course Evaluation by Students
to be conduced in class
成績評価 / Evaluation Criteria/Method
Daily performance 40%
Presentation 20%
Essay writing 30%
Class activities 10%
備考 / Note

検索キーワード / Keywords
Global warming,

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