カリキュラム・授業 英語ライティングIIA
In this course, students will continue to improve their writing by further developing the following four skills: 1. Critical thinking, 2. Writing fluency, 3. Grammar, and 4. Vocabulary development.
/ Attainment Objectives
Students will practice writing fluency by creating a portfolio of extensive writing. The overall theme for this course is that of problem/solution, and students will gain experience in this style of academic writing. Also, students will become more proficient at thinking critically about various science-related topics, including those that are related to their major.
授業時間外の学習 (準備学習等について)
/ Study Required Outside of Class (Preparation etc.)
There are no prerequisites for this course. However, in general, students are expected to have mastered the material taught in Writing IA and IB before taking this course. Some of the course topics and materials will connect to topics and materials from other English courses.
/ Class Overall Plan
This course meets once per week and the course content is integrated with that content found in other English courses. This course will help students increase their familiarity with the style, form and structure of written English, become more proficient at writing, understand the basic methods of academic research, and improve their overall ability to express themselves in written form. Students will also practice extensive writing through a portfolio with assigned topics.
Science and Global Issues - English 2A
/ Method of Instruction
This is a workshop-based class in which the teacher and students will work together to complete the objectives stated above. Students will use computers on a daily basis to analyze and compose various writing pieces. This course approaches writing as a process, and students will write and revise their writing throughout the term.
/ Course Evaluation by Students
/ Evaluation Criteria/Method
Students must earn a grade of at least 60% to pass this course. Students will be assessed on both formal and informal writing activities, their writing portfolio, and other instructor-determined coursework. Finally, students will be expected to attend class and participate on a regular basis.
English/ Writing/ Fluency/ Vocabulary development/ Critical thinking
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