Prof. Shigeto R. Nishitani's website - FrontPage Diff

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! 西谷滋人
関西学院大学 理工学部 情報科学科 教授{{br}}
*Professor of Simulations on Materials Science Group
*[[Department of Informatics|]],
*[[School of Science and Technology|]],
*[[Sanda Campus|]],
*[[Kwansei Gakuin University|]]

!Researches||関西学院大学 理工学部 情報科学科 教授||{{attach_view('MailAddress.png')}}||{{attach_view('front_up.gif')}}
*Primary Interests
* Professor of Computational Materials Science(計算材料学)Science Group
* '''研究室紹介({{attach_anchor('NishitaniLab2010.pdf')}})'''
* [[Department of Informatics|]],
* [[School of Science and Technology|]],

**Phase Diagram(状態図)* [[Sanda Campus|]],
**Lattice defects(格子欠陥)* [[Kwansei Gakuin University|]]

*Current Projects! Lectures
**Nucleation free energy  
**Metastable Solvent Epitaxy (Crystal Growth of SiC)
**[[Monte Carlo simulations on Ti|MCTi]]
**Simulations on formation of LPSO(Long Period Stacking Order) structure in Mg alloys
* [[LectureNotes]]

! Curriculum Vitae

* Primary Interests
** Computational Materials Science(計算材料学)
** Phase Diagram(状態図)
** Lattice defects(格子欠陥)

* Current Projects
** Free energy of precipitate nucleation
** Metastable Solvent Epitaxy (Crystal Growth of SiC)
** Formation mechanism of LPSO(Long Period Stacking Order) structure in Mg alloys
** Small angle tilt grain boundary of Al and Cu
** Phonon ...
** [[Monte Carlo simulations on Ti|MCTi]]


:[[Recent Publications|RecentPublications]]([[old_publications]]):
* Books, Published Articles, Reports, Papers and Monographs

!!Grants and funds
:[[Recent grants|RecentGrants]]:
* grants and funds

!! Knowledge Transfer Activities
Knowledge Transfer Symposia (Organized and Presented)

:[[Recent Presentations|RecentPresentations]]:
:[[Invited talks (in Japanese)|InvitedTalks]]:
:[[Patent (in Japanese)|Patent]]:
:[[CV]]([[in Japanese|CV_Japanese]]):

!Educations! Educations
!! Documents

*[[Maple manuals|]]
*[[Lecture Notes at Kwansei Gakuin University(講義ノート,シラバス)|LectureNotes]]
*Lecture Notes at Kyoto University
**[[Solidification Processing(加工プロセス学(凝固))|]]))|]]
**[[Computational Materials Science(計算材料学)|]])|]]
**[[Exercise on Materials Science(物理工学演習I)|]]
**[[Computational Mathmatics (計算機数学)|]]
**[[Introductions to Computational Materials Science(計算材料学入門)|]]

!!!! 教科書
*{{isbn('4627665814','固体物理の基礎 - 材料がわかる量子力学と熱統計力学')}}
**西谷 滋人  (著)
**出版社: 森北出版株式会社 (2006/5/19)
**ISBN-10: 4627665814
**ISBN-13: 978-4627665811

!![[!! [[プレゼンテーションの極意(技官研修会資料)|]]([[pdf版|]])
[[中山和弘先生(聖路加看護大学 )リンク|]]
// !! [[プレゼン資料の作り方by Yuta Morishige|]]
! 活動

!! Research Awards(Selected)
* Peer-Reviewed Research Grants
* Commissions and Contracts

* [[LinkPage]]