トップ カリキュラム・授業 英語リーディングIB

授業科目名 英語リーディングIB
  履修期   1単位   履修基準年度 1年
授業目的 / Course Objectives
The main aim of Reading IB is to improve basic reading skills that students gained in Reading IA. The course consists of two types of reading lessons: intensive and extensive reading exercises. In addition to 'description' and 'reason', 'problem-solution' will be introduced as a main theme of this course. The ultimate aim of the intensive reading is, thus, to learn how a whole essay is organized and how the main idea is built up with supporting sentences in descriptive, reasoning and problem-solving passages. Extensive reading is another focus in IB; students will read a number of graded readers outside the class, write book reports and try to read without depending on Japanese translation.
到達目標 / Attainment Objectives
At the end of the semester, students should be able to understand how a whole essay is organized and how the main idea is built up with supporting sentences in descriptive, reasoning and problem solving passages. During this course, students should be able to improve basic reading comprehension skills required to read descriptive, reasoning and problem solving passages written for scientific readers. Students also continue to gain voabulary up to 1500 words including 750 words they gained in the first semester.
授業時間外の学習 (準備学習等について) / Study Required Outside of Class (Preparation etc.)
Although this course is taught by a teacher different from Writing/Communication, this course is one of the three courses of freshman English and will be closely connected with the other two courses in many ways. Doing well in this course will help the other two classes and vice versa. Come to every class well prepared and actively participate in class activities.
授業計画 / Class Overall Plan
Students will read 9 units out of the textbook in this semester. In each lesson, one unit
is read. A vocabulary quiz is given each month (three times in total)

The following are the description of the activities featured in this course.
1) Understanding how sentences and paragraphs are organized in descriptive, reasoning, and problem-solving passages.
2) Improving strategic reading skills: identifying main ideas, identifying key words, scanning and skimming.
3) Improving reading fluency (Extensive reading)
4) Improving reading accuracy (Vocabulary - basic and scientific words and grammatical knowledge)
教科書 / Textbook(s)
Frontiers in Science IB
参考文献 References Books
Will be introduced in class when necessary.
授業方法 / Method of Instruction
This course includes not only teachers' lectures in English for students to practice note-taking, explaning how to write paragraphs and how to organize presentations by using PowerPoint, but also student-centered activities such as pair work, group work, presentation, etc. Enough class time will be secured for various language activities.
学生による授業評価の方法 / Course Evaluation by Students
Will be conducted in class.
成績評価 / Evaluation Criteria/Method
定期試験(Final examination)
Evaluation will be based upon everyday work (30%) and term-end exam (70%). Everyday work includes extensive reading assignment, quizzes, reports, and others. Class participation and various activities in class also count toward everyday work evaluation. Students need to get 60% or higher in order to pass this course. However, both students who get less than 60% on the vocabulary quizzes are subject to fail this course even if they get more than 60% in the total scores of the course.
備考 / Note

検索キーワード / Keywords
Description, Reason, Problem solution, Language knowledge, Reading fluency, Reading accuracy, Basic English for science

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